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Have you ever found yourself roasting in the summer or freezing when Jack Frost bites down on your nether regions? If so, we have solution which can keep your home at a nice temperature and reduce energy usage: false ceiling insulation.

Think of insulation as a warm sweater for your fortress. Insulation : Insulation protects your home from the elements (for example warmer in winter and cooler in summer) just as a sweater prevents body heat from escaping. False Ceiling Insulation: The specific type of insulation is placed above your ceiling areas, forming an insulating barrier between the living area and covering. That barrier can help block the transfer of heat, and over time provide you with lower energy costs.

    A Complete Guide To False Ceiling For Thermal Comfort

    There are different kinds of materials for false ceiling insulation including fiberglass, cellulose and foam. Fiberglass is made from tiny glass fibers and installed in most homes. Cellulose insulation, however, are produced by recycling the newspaper and applying chemicals thereon to make fire resistance. Another option is foam insulation, which is made from plastic and sprayed into place.

    No matter what type of insulation you are having put in, it is crucial to have a professional do the work for you. If incorrectly installed, it can fail to do its job properly and worse yet become a fire hazard.

    Why choose Kente false ceiling for heat insulation?

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